A Comprehensive Guide for Casino Enthusiasts with 1099-G

Guide for Casino Enthusiasts with 1099-G


Welcome to SDG Accountant LLC’s tax blog, where we unravel the complexities of tax considerations for individuals receiving 1099-G forms from their casino adventures. If you enjoy the excitement of the casino, it’s crucial to understand and manage the associated tax implications wisely.

1. Casino Log Book:

A meticulous casino logbook is your financial ally. Record the specifics of each gambling session—dates, times, wins, and losses. This log serves as a crucial document supporting your tax claims and offers transparency in the event of an IRS audit.

2. Letter from the Casino:

Request an official letter from the casino detailing your wins and losses. This documentation is invaluable for justifying reported figures to the IRS. Ensure it includes the casino’s contact information, your player card details, and an official statement.

3. Full Reporting of Winnings:

For those claiming losses, accurate reporting of full winnings is paramount. Incorrect reporting can trigger IRS scrutiny. SDG Accountant LLC ensures precise tax filings, reducing the risk of audits related to gambling activities.

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4. Representation for IRS Notices:

Receiving an IRS notice related to gambling winnings and losses can be overwhelming. SDG Accountant LLC is here to represent you. Our experienced professionals navigate the complexities, ensuring you are well-represented and your rights are protected.

5. Assisting Non-Residents:

For non-resident gambling in the USA, SDG Accountant LLC specializes in filing Form 1040NR to help reclaim withholding tax. Whether you’re a Canadian exploring the casinos in Las Vegas or an American trying your luck in different states, our expertise ensures you receive the maximum refund.


Mastering the tax implications of casino activities demands careful planning and accurate record-keeping. SDG Accountant LLC stands ready to guide you through the process, providing expertise and representation for every gambler. Maximize your winnings, and minimize tax hassles—trust us with the numbers as you focus on the thrill of the game.

Facilitating Cross-Border Success: SDG Accountant Paves the Way for Canadian Businesses Expanding into Florida

Canadian Businesses Expanding into Florida

Embarking on a journey to expand your Canadian business into the vibrant and dynamic market of Florida is an exciting endeavour. However, navigating the complexities of cross-border taxation and regulatory requirements can be a daunting task. That’s where SDG Accountants comes in, serving as your trusted partner in ensuring a smooth and successful expansion into the Sunshine State.

SDG Accountant: Your Cross-Border Expansion Experts:

At SDG Accountants, we understand the unique challenges that Canadian businesses face when venturing into the U.S. market. With our expertise in cross-border taxation and a proven track record of assisting businesses in their expansion endeavours, we are well-equipped to guide you through the intricacies of establishing a presence in Florida.

SDG Accountant: Your Cross-Border Expansion Experts:

• Tax Entity Selection

Choosing the right tax entity is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your business’s financial structure and tax liabilities. SDG Accountant works closely with Canadian businesses to identify the most suitable tax entity for their Florida operations, considering factors such as liability protection, tax efficiency, and ease of operation.

• Obtaining EINs and ITINs

The process of obtaining Employer Identification Numbers (EINs) and Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs) is a fundamental step in establishing your business in the U.S. SDG Accountant streamlines this process, ensuring that your business obtains the necessary identification numbers efficiently and in compliance with IRS regulations.

• Opening Business Bank Accounts —

Establishing a solid financial foundation is key to the success of any business expansion. Our team at SDG Accountants facilitates the process of opening business bank accounts in Florida, providing guidance on the documentation required and liaising with financial institutions to ensure a seamless experience for our clients.

• Remaining Compliant with IRS Tax Filings —

Staying compliant with IRS tax filings is an ongoing responsibility for businesses operating in the U.S. SDG Accountants take the burden off your shoulders by managing and overseeing all necessary tax filings, including corporate income tax returns, ensuring that your business remains in good standing with U.S. tax authorities.

Canadian Businesses Expanding into Florida

Free up your time to focus on what matters.

Growing your Income.

How SDG Accountant Adds Value:

Our team possesses in-depth knowledge of both Canadian and U.S. tax laws, allowing us to navigate the complexities of cross-border taxation and provide tailored solutions for your business.
We understand that every business is unique. SDG Accountants offers personalized guidance, taking into account the specific needs and goals of your business to craft solutions that align with your objectives.
Time is of the essence in the business world. SDG Accountants is committed to delivering timely and efficient services, ensuring that your expansion plans progress smoothly and without unnecessary delays.


SDG Accountants is more than just an accounting firm; we are your dedicated partners in the journey of expanding your Canadian business into the thriving market of Florida. With our comprehensive services, including tax entity selection, EIN and ITIN acquisition, business bank account opening, and IRS tax filing compliance, we pave the way for your business to thrive in the Sunshine State. Let us handle the complexities of cross-border expansion while you focus on seizing new opportunities and achieving success in the U.S. market.

Snowbirds and the Substantial Presence Test

Substantial Presence Test


As the cold winds of winter sweep across Canada, many Canadians embark on a migration southward, seeking refuge from the snow and ice. These intrepid travellers, affectionately known as “snowbirds,” flock to the warm and sunny shores of Florida, turning cities like Tampa, St. Petersburg, Orlando, Clearwater, Miami, and Ft. Lauderdale into their winter havens. While the allure of Florida’s sunshine is undeniable, it’s crucial for these snowbirds to consider the implications of the Substantial Presence Test on their tax obligations. In this blog post, we’ll explore the tax responsibilities that Canadians may face during their extended stays in the Sunshine State.

SDG Accountant LLC: Your Cross-Border Tax Experts:

Before delving into the intricacies of the Substantial Presence Test, let us introduce ourselves. We are SDG Accountant LLC, a team of cross-border tax experts with offices strategically located in St. Petersburg, Miami, and Toronto. With years of experience, our firm specializes in helping clients navigate the complexities of taxation across international borders. We understand the unique challenges faced by snowbirds and aim to provide tailored solutions to ensure compliance with tax regulations on both sides of the border.

The Substantial Presence Test:

The Substantial Presence Test is a crucial factor for Canadians spending an extended period in the United States. This test helps determine whether an individual is considered a U.S. resident for tax purposes, leading to potential tax obligations. Snowbirds must be aware of the following key aspects:

Counting Days —

The Substantial Presence Test is based on the number of days an individual spends in the United States over a three-year period. This calculation involves counting all the days present in the current year, one-third of the days in the preceding year, and one-sixth of the days in the second preceding year.

183-Day Threshold —

To be considered a resident for tax purposes, an individual must meet the 183-day threshold. This means spending at least 183 days in the U.S. within the three-year period calculated under the Substantial Presence Test.

Potential Tax Implications —

If a snowbird meets the criteria of the Substantial Presence Test, they may be subject to U.S. taxation on their worldwide income. This includes income earned both in the U.S. and abroad.

Substantial Presence Test

Free up your time to focus on what matters.

Growing your Income.

Navigating Tax Obligations:

SDG Accountant LLC is here to guide snowbirds through the maze of tax obligations. Our experts can help you:

We will assess your situation to determine whether you meet the criteria for U.S. residency and guide you on the potential tax implications.
Our team will develop personalized tax strategies to minimize your tax liabilities and ensure compliance with both U.S. and Canadian tax laws.
We assist snowbirds in fulfilling necessary reporting requirements, including the filing of relevant tax forms to avoid penalties and ensure a smooth tax-filing process.


As Canadians bask in the Florida sun, SDG Accountant LLC stands ready to assist snowbirds in navigating the intricacies of the Substantial Presence Test and addressing their cross-border tax obligations. With offices in St. Petersburg, Miami, and Toronto, our team is dedicated to providing expert guidance to ensure a seamless and tax-efficient winter sojourn. Enjoy your stay in the Sunshine State while we take care of your tax concerns!